Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Top 10 Best Cereals

The average American consumes more than 160 bowls of cereal annually, so picking the right box could mean knocking 15 pounds off your waistline yearly and infusing your diet with massive doses of vital nutrients. So here you are - the Top 10 that made the list:

10. Kashi Go Lean Crunch! Honey Almond Flax
9. General Mills Wheaties
8. Kashi Autumn Wheat
7. General Mills Kix
6. General Mills Cheerios
5. Post Grape-Nuts
4. Kashi GoLean
3. Post Shredded Wheat Original (spoon size)
2. Nature's Path Organic Smart Bran

and the #1 gold standard in cereal is - Drum Roll Please.....

1. General Mills Fiber One Original!

Have you ever tried it? I have. Tastes like cardboard - and no, I have never tasted cardboard. However, add some fresh strawberries and it's totally edible. And what can beat 14 grams of fiber?! Constipated? Quick Fix! :)

Stay tuned for who made the the 10 Worst Cereals...


onnuh said...

Yay! I'm glad the health blog is back up. Though, only one of my cereals is in your top 10 (grape nuts), and I have a sneaking sensation that like 8 of my favorites will be in the 10 worst.

Dan Call said...

Mmmm... grape nuts are my favorite. Is Cracklin' Oat Bran not on the list because it's terrible for you, or because it's been discontinued? (I never see it at the store)