Monday, March 1, 2010

Top 10 Worst Cereals

The Top 10 Best and Worst Cereals are based on the highest ratio of fiber to sugar, along with a respectable calorie count.

10. Quaker Life Cereal Original: Seemingly harmless, but Life could do without the Yellow #5
9. Kellogg's Raisin Bran: Raisins are sweet enough naturally, so why coat them in sugar? (10 g sugars)
8. Kellogg's Rice Krispies: Fiber is cereal's one true virtue, so why start your day with a bowl utterly devoid of it? (0 g fiber)
7. Kellogg's Smart Start: Don't be lured in by the buzzwards. This is anything but an intelligent start to your day. (8 g sugar)
6. Quaker Natural Granola Oats, Honey & Raisins: Most granolas are only a small step above sugary kids' cereals. (9 g sugars)
5. Kellogg's Reduced Sugar Frosted Flakes: The sugar decrease is minimal and the fiber offering is abysmal. (8 g sugars, less than 1 g fiber)
4. General Mills Trix: Let the rabbit have them for you; they're no good. (11 g sugars, less than 1 g fiber)
3. Kellogg's Fruit Loops: The sugar rush will throw you for a loop. (12 g sugars, less than 1 g fiber)
2. General Mills Lucky Charms: A rainbow of artificial colors with a pot of sugar at the end. (12 g sugars, 1 g fiber)

DRRRRRRRRRR (That's my drumroll)
And the worst cereal is....

1. Post Golden Crisp

Sugar is the first ingredient. That's all you need to know. (15.5 g sugars, less than 1 g fiber)

1 comment:

MVP said...

I agree with Hayley.
Our family does not eat any of these cereals.